Learn how to Perform a Dermaplaning Treatment and a Hydro Facial treatment with Sass-Thetics Training Course
Tutor-Lisa Holland
Fully accredited with BIA , which means once completed you will be able to gain insurance and perform Treatments .
phone -07792725457
The cost of this course is £299 which includes on going support
A down payment of £149 is required to secure your space , the remainder is due on the day of the course or if preferred prior to the day.
The course begins at 10 am and finishes approximately 5.30 pm .
Sassthetics Training Academy
1 Ashburton Rd
This course will teach you about the technique, products and tools used to provide a professional Derma and includes a practical training session and assessment
Module List
Introduction, Reception & Consultation
Anatomy & Physiology - The Skin
Contra-indications Preventing Treatment
Contra-indications Restricting Treatment
Treatment Technique
Practical Module
Certificates for both will be provided upon completion